We’ve helped 300+ homeowners sell their house in as little as 5 days—and we can help you too.
How It Works
Step 1
First, share with us some details about your home in Saint Helena in our form. With that info, we’ll be able to view public details about your property to get a better idea of it.
Step 2
From the details you shared, we’ll give you a call to know whether you want to “Sell and Stay”, “Sell and Move”, or “List with a Real Estate Agent”. And if you’re not sure how you want to sell your home fast: we’ll happily recommend what best fits your circumstances and goals.
Step 3
Once we’re clear on what option you’d like to move ahead with, next is for you to show us your home. Send us pictures or videos of your house. Schedule a video call so you can give us a walkthrough with your phone. Or choose an on-site showing whenever suits you.
Step 4
Once we’ve viewed your property, one of our local experts will hand-deliver or email to you a final sales price cash offer within 24 hours (with proof of our funds from a bank in Saint Helena). When reviewed and accepted: You choose the Closing date/location to finalize the sale, sign the offer, and send it back.
Step 5
At your chosen location/date/time, you’ll sign the final documents and get paid immediately the way you want (cash, check, or instant bank transfer)—without paying for any fees or commissions. Whether you decide to move right away and leave things behind, or remain for a while in your home, that’s all up to you.
Calculate your cash
** These calculations are meant as a rough guide only and could vary based on things such as the current market value of your property
In the real estate market, it’s extremely rare for cash home buyers to let you stay after you sell to them. From our years of dealing personally with homeowners and hearing their concerns, we give people the option to stay for a while after Closing Day.
It’s natural to feel anxious about selling your home—and it’s our job to remove that stress so you don’t worry. We have a straightforward process, keep you informed every step of the way, and pay a fair cash offer for selling your house in Saint Helena SC.
Having bought houses in South Carolina from over 300 homeowners, we directly know the challenges that push people to sell their home fast—whether it’s inherited property, foreclosure, being tired of being a landlord, or other reasons. To that, we bring our years of experience and professionalism to best assist you.
Our founder, Colton, saw his mother’s home face foreclosure when he was in high school. And while we’re a home buying company for Saint Helena and surrounding areas, we do so with the motivation to also help those in difficult times find a resolution through a quick home sale.
Whatever condition your house is in, get a no-obligations estimate for us to buy your house to see how much you can get in your pocket. And of course: you can tell us about your situation so we can lay out your choices and recommend the best one for you.
Whatever option you choose for your property (“Cash and Move”, “Cash and Stay”, or “List With Realtor”), we always have a simple, straightforward process that you can find out about on each program page.
For ‘how long the process takes’: our phone line is open 24 hours, and from the point you get in touch with us to the point you sign the final documents and get paid, it can take as little as 5 days.
No, not with us! While other companies that buy houses would require you to move out on the day the sale is finalized and documents are signed, we allow people to stay for a while in their homes after Closing Day.
And the Homeowners we’ve partnered with really appreciate it. It’s always stressful to move houses, but having that extra time to remain in your home—while having the cash you need from selling your house fast in Savannah—eases so much of it.
Great question! For our “Cash and Move” program, you get paid on the Closing Day after signing the final documents. As for the “Cash and Stay” program: you receive cash from your home’s equity as soon as the agreement is signed.
For ‘how’ you get paid: you can get paid in any way you want. Once you receive the initial offer to approve, you simply tell us whether you want to receive a payment in cash, bank transfer, or check—and we’ll make it happen.
The amount of money you receive after the bank is paid depends on what the official payoff is on your house (for example: if you took out a loan for the property, banks would account for this in the payoff).
To get a general idea of how much cash you’d get for yourself, you can calculate as follows: Our offer <minus> Amount owed to bank <equals> The cash you keep. To make it easy for you, we’ve made a calculator for it here.
Not at all! One of the big headaches when you sell your home is clearing up the things you don’t want to take—leaving it up to you to dispose of them properly, give them away, or put them in storage to sort out later.
But when you’re selling your house to us, we take care of that entirely. You just take the things you want, leave anything you don’t want, and our professionals will take care of clearing up the rest.